The world of play

The world of play

Maren Bøhn Nyløkken, drama teacher from Nesodden, writes about the world of play.

When you were little, you ran around. Remember how easily you could run? How bouncy were you? As resilient as a kangaroo, in a way, as light as a feather. So much energy. Right after dinner like lightning, you jumped out barefoot into the grass, then just ran around in your own fantasy world. You imagined all sorts of strange things. The feeling of flow when you played the world's best game in sync with someone else. You were so present. Intense in it. The concentration you had. Everything was bigger. Concentrated. Here and now in the moment. Curious, searching, the playful form contained you and grabbed you and was in you. You were in the land of the playroom. The world of fantasy creativity. Looking to pretend, which was completely natural and real. You picked up a twig, a pinecone and envisioned treasures of the purest kind. An enrichment.

Since I was little, I have always played and am still playing. As a child I was in a bubble,  for myself in my fantasy room. Daydreamed, saw for myself and contemplated. Sensory me knows and feels. The information I take in becomes an impression and a visual image. I remember in pictures. The words can falter and fall short. The images are warm in my memory, my visual notebook. The pictures recreate a feeling in me and a living impression and expression in my interior. Development and expansion. New perspectives and insights. Fabulate, philosophize about the world, the universe and people.  The time of wonder probably never ends for me. There is a genuine interest, a search for the magical. How are things connected, what can I learn or take with me. By you or them. Study other people's movements, facts and facial expressions. After all, I love juggling on a daily basis, following and imitating. The body just automatically has to. It catches my interest and sticks. As a child, I thought for a long time, I could play with the others in my head, not physically. I consider even, to a far greater extent, participative. Now I guess I'm the one who starts an exchange of expressions. 

Children play to understand themselves, process life or just because it's fun! The game makes me come alive. What's more fun than playing life? Play enriches and delights the heart. Without the approach of play, life loses its highest potential. It offers playful inventions, which result in hearty laughter and smiles.

Redemptive, joyful and ridiculous inventions. The body can float in a delicious path. Creativity flow, breath, energy, fits of laughter. A sea of emotional flows that give so much.

The earth and the world are filled with endless possibilities, and I want to play here. You remember when you were little, don't you? Life is too short to stiffen up because you are getting older. George Bernhard Shaw put it very well: "you don't stop playing because you grow up, you grow up because you stop playing".

Good game.

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