When the kids walked in

When the kids walked in

#småstegforkloden When the children entered the meeting room today, they were greeted with forest sounds and birdsong that I had put on Spotify.

We listened to birdsong before we started with the Good morning song. Today we met Petter the hedgehog who was so terribly hungry in his stomach. While he was looking for food, he first found some small caterpillars. He ate them up, but was still very hungry. After a while he found some plastic. Petter the hedgehog didn't know that this was dangerous for his stomach, so he started eating it. Then he suddenly felt terrible pain, spat out the plastic and began to feel sorry for himself. Together with the children, we wondered whether it was good or stupid for Petter to eat the plastic. Got the answer that it was not good. He went on looking for food, then he found an earthworm which he ate. Fortunately, it went very well, but he was still hungry and kept looking for food. After a while he found a yogurt cup which he ate from. But then he got a real pain in his stomach and felt sorry for himself. All the children feel sorry for poor little Petter Pinnsvin who had eaten plastic again. Then I had to help Petter clear the forest. I removed all the rubbish and what was dangerous, and all that was left were good things for Petter Pinnsvin's stomach. Fortunately, it went well with him, and he ate a beetle and a mouse afterwards. Finally, we talked about that tomorrow we are going for a walk in the forest with the elders to clean up a little boss so that Petter Pinnsvin will feel a little better in the forest together with the other animal friends who live there! 
 Small steps for the planet.

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