Language game

Language game

I would like to share a tip for an activity that many kindergartens probably use variations of already, and which is very nice as a language activity.

It involves sorting toys and other objects based on their first (language) sound. Often used in preschool groups or language groups. We direct our attention to the form side of the language and "listen to" the words, and can use the body and space in the activity.

On the floor are some letter sheets spread out, please use plenty of space so that as many children can participate. The children can pick things from a box that the adult has prepared in advance. They must find out which letter the thing should be placed on by listening to the word, the first sound and connecting this sound to the letter (see picture). For example: Car and ball should be placed on the sheet with "B".

After all the sorting has been completed, go through the sorting together. Say the things out loud: "Car, ball, book, paperclip. What do we hear at the start of car, ball, book and paperclip?" The similarity and the difference are discovered. We are therefore more concerned with recognizing the same and different sounds than with the children knowing letters here. ??

It's a good idea to start with a few letters to choose from that you assume are fairly familiar. Many school starters know some letters, and perhaps recognize their own, and some may know more? You can help each other.

There are many possibilities to differentiate and vary this activity, for example:
1. An adult-led activity in e.g. collection where the adult has the things, names and helps the children identify sounds, and the children can suggest sorting.
2. The children are given a couple of things each to sort. Then you have the opportunity to ensure that the children get something you think they can handle.
3. The children themselves must find things to sort.

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