Insect hotel, which was built

Insect hotel, which was built

Insect hotel, which was built and completed after collaboration between children and adults. Without insects, we die. It may sound harsh, but it is absolutely true.

We need insects as pollinators so that we humans get the necessary food we need. 
The whole process (making an insect hotel) provides quality time with the children, creative thinking, practicing motor skills, a walk in the forest and not least important knowledge for the children.
Through this project, children and adults have learned how important insects are to nature and how much we humans destroy them. By making this insect house, we have gained a better understanding of how these small animals live, where they live and that the interaction with the rest of nature is always present, and that everything is connected and everything and everyone is dependent on each other. < br /> Conditions are becoming increasingly difficult for many insects to find a suitable place to live. This is partly because humans remove the insects' natural habitats in many ways. We have focused on this and decided to help by making a separate house for them.

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