Robot Reidar (Disco and Bodywork)

Robot Reidar (Disco and Bodywork)

Here is the link to the YouTube video for my latest song:

The world: meet Reidar! He is a super smart mechanic who works at his workshop in Haukeli. Here he repairs and fixes everything that has a motor. "Nothing is un-fixable!" is a motto he lives by. The reason why Reidar has been nicknamed Robot-Reidar is that he is incredibly good at dancing the robot dance! So every day when the workshop is cleaned and ready for the evening, he plays disco music at full blast over the facility and does the robot dance. Can you imitate some cool "mooves" in the video? 

Featured on the song: Heidi Solheim - vocals 

Espen Elverum Jakobsen - vocals and guitar 

Ole Morten Indigo Lekang - vocals and percussion 

Ã…smund Wilter Kildal Erikson - vocals and bass 

Children's choir: Oda, Live, Eva, Freya, Lea-Marie, Vilja 

Producer: Trond Nedberg (

Recorded in Nedberg Audio and Kysten Studio Tromsø

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