Easter eggs again

Easter eggs again

In my department, there was a little improvisational adventure about a rabbit who doesn't remember where he left his Easter eggs.

They were really important, we found them and helped him plant his magic seed in time this year. The children found 4 eggs that were hidden in the ward. Inside them were lots of mixed seeds from different vegetables and flowers. The children got to join in and plant them, water them and watch what grows with a magnifying glass.  On the wall we have some pictures so you can compare the plant in the picture and the one growing up in the pot. When we have figured it out, we write the name on the popsicle stick. We have also made  cardboard pictures with different seeds glued on so they can feel and see what, for example, a sunflower seed looks like.  Now there are so many seeds in all the pots that we will get at least double the number of pots depending on where some grow up. Also on the forest walk last week, we found some leaves and signs that spring is here. They were nicely framed in frames that we found at the environment station on the trip for it. Fun project for children and adults to do with!

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