Suction fishing "Bobbi"

Suction fishing "Bobbi"

In our nursery in the toddler section, this month we have focused on children's participation.

It started with a colleague bringing a sucker to work, which I got for my aquarium.
She started talking about this and went to get it so the children could see. The children have contributed by naming the sucker, which is now called "Bobbi". The children talked about Bobbi all day and the next day, so then we made an aquarium out of a cardboard box which we painted blue together with the children, We printed out fish from the web and laminated and hung them on a bungee cord that hangs down in the aquarium, decorated with shells, and gravel for an aquarium, printed background, sea urchins, starfish, The children use it to play with and think it is very exciting.

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