Here are tips for various May 17 games there

Here are tips for various May 17 games there

You can practice May 17 words in a fun way. The pictures can also be a good starting point for talking about 17 May.

How to play:

Game 1: "May 17 game":
Here the pieces are placed at the start, and you roll a die and move across the board. Then you say the words as you walk over, or just the word you land on. If you come to a red field, you must go back. If you come to a green field, you can jump forward. Whoever reaches the finish line first has won.

Game 2: "My secret May 17 word"
Here we practice telling about words/describing words in as many detailed ways as possible so that the others understand which word we mean. A random person chooses a word without saying or knowing it. Then the others must try to guess the word when you tell.

Game 3: Word Bingo
Here you throw a die, and find a word in the column that matches the number of dice you got. Say the word you were given and tick it.

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