Then they have painted and organized the children's story Skinnmitt

Then they have painted and organized the children's story Skinnmitt

With room inside the mitt to fill up with the animals. Fun for young and old. I used white fabric as a background, approximately A3 size.

(perhaps a bit bigger), could probably use something else too but felt the mitten stuck better to fabric than a sheet, increases durability:)

Then I let my imagination run wild by painting the mountains first, the sky, then the path, then I painted white snow on the right, left side before I painted on the trees. Remember to let things dry before painting more.

I have cut the mitten out of real leather, used hot glue along the edges except where the hand should go in to create space inside the mitten for the animals to fit into:)

The old man and the animals were found on Google, printed out and laminated:) I put everything inside the mitten when not in use so everything is in one place until the story is used:)

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