In these times of communicable diseases, we are extra

In these times of communicable diseases, we are extra

Extra care with hand washing in the nursery. We also sprinkle the children's hands before we sit down at the table and today this unfolded in the waiting queue:

Jenny: look, now you have to remember to come to me for booze!
Girl1: yes, yippee we're going to get booze! (Jumps up and down).
Girl2: Yes, I LOVE booze! It's so good for me! (Smiles and jumps).
Girl1: Yes, it also makes us so HAPPY!
Girl 2: You will get booze for your birthday from me! (Looks seriously at girl 1).

Very good that it was hand sanitizer they were talking about and that they are only 3-4 years old.

NOTE: I know that rubbing alcohol is no substitute for hand washing and that it doesn't really do anything to keep the norovirus away. The children get a tiny bottle of alcohol as a prize for washing their hands well! I believe that discussion about whether hand sanitizer is dangerous to health or not should be taken up in a separate post, so I'm turning off comments.

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