MAGIC PAINTING is one of the easiest, cheapest and most calming things you can do with the children if you have prepared a little.

Here comes the recipe at the request of several followers:

You need normal acrylic paint (I use Readymix Lekoglær primary colours) which you mix out (1/5 paint the rest water) own empty plastic bottles. The children are happy to join in on this, and like to shake the bottles loose, so the paint becomes extra "magical". I only use primary colours, yellow blue and red. Then pour some paint into 3 small cups for each child. One with blue, one red and one with yellow paint.
The children are given a plastic pipette each that I bought at the pharmacy for NOK 2??.
Then I first show how we suck up paint with pipettes. A little difficult at first, but they quickly get the hang of it. They get to practice a bit while I hand out sheets. The sheets are already moistened and placed on a tray on top of each other, so they stay thoroughly moistened. Then the paper absorbs the paint better and spreads out beautifully in formations. Preferably use slightly thick painting sheets.
When there is too much paint on the paper, we pour it into a large cardboard plate that is on the table between the children. And continues to drip paint onto the paper. This activity creates a quiet and calm atmosphere and the children are delighted that the colors move and seem alive!! The children practice fine motor skills, it's a slow process and we like to listen to classical calm music in the background. Next time we can try with dry sheets, it gives a completely different effect.

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