Want to share an idea about language training. Many years ago I found this idea (in a pun, I think). "THE TOYSE CUP".

Is such that we can play with the language, try, practice, rhyme and it is allowed to make mistakes without it being a mistake. Can make rhyming words that are not words too. E.g. elephant, deledant, pelephant etc. The children can also be given the task of telling what an elephant is. This makes language harmless and exciting, it is social and can become a lot of humour. I have often used this with children who need extra practice first and preferably during meals. Then the children can draw a card and drool around that word until they can't come any further. I have also included some red cards with smiley faces, so those who draw them can tell what makes them smile/be happy. If they draw a heart, they can tell who they like or want to play with, etc. This cup can be made of cardboard, so the children can take mugs like this home with them. Alternatively, sturdy mugs can be used which can be decorated more. Feel free to elaborate on this.

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