Hello everyone! We have created a nature trail with

Hello everyone! We have created a nature trail with

Hello everyone! We have created a nature trail with activities in the "forest" on the side of the nursery, as the outdoor area is now only open to children of parents with important key roles in society.

Espira has the focus areas of science, movement and language, and it is based on this, as well as LekEspira (based on the subject areas of the Framework Plan), that we have created these records. The nature trail is designed for the children in Espira Ree, but we just think it's nice if more people want to use it. It is intended for kindergarten children, together with adults. There are a total of 5 items (in random order), all of which you only need your body and brain to be able to solve/perform (this due to the risk of infection by using various equipment).

Psssst feel free to find creative ways to move between posts; crawl, jump, dance, fly.

We take responsibility for cleaning this up after Easter.
We also ask that no one destroys or takes anything home with them.

Keep your distance and take care of each other

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