This is not an idea but a little story

This is not an idea but a little story

Hello! This is not an idea but a small story that is about; consideration. And that å Caring for people is very important. Ivertfall in these strange times.

The picture is a bit special, but I think the explanation is magical. One of the girls (4 ås) på my ward had to get a haircut, and then went to the hairdresser. When she finished sowing; she that it lå lots of hair on the floor. She then actually manages å tell the hairdresser not to throw it away, but to collect it in a bag. The hairdresser did as she was told, but she felt she had to ask why. And then comes the answer that makes it å working in a kindergarten is, in my eyes, the best job in the world. She then replies that someone called Terje works in my nursery. And he doesn't have hair. He can see if he can use it. Think about it guys. Then we talk about å be considerate of others then. Så take care of every single day you are on work in bhg, because the most incredible things actually happen all the time!

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