Dough - IdeaPling

Dough (22 plings)

Trolldough troll family
The wild animals have had to give way to the dinosaurs
Brought some children on Friday and then on the volcanic eruption on the iPad
"The Story of the Three Little Pigs"
Most delightful tea candlesticks
Christmas in salt dough
For two months we have been doing it
Vernissage in the kindergarten
Christmas Things we've made in the nursery
Fine Easter pictures
Hearts and stars made of
We have projects within the subject area
Decked up by the front door 4-olds
Today, children have been given a
This year's Christmas tree for the preschool children
Our school starters have prepared
The elders have made nice Easter bunnies
Different for Easter - Playdough
We have a theme
Christmas Tree of salt dough and pinecone
Specify for language group
Magic dough