Wool - IdeaPling

Wool (38 plings)

The goat kid who could count to 10
Here, the youngest children in the 0-3 years department
Christmas gift tips Tovet
These fine we made last year
The 2-year-olds have felt gnomes
How about felting birds?
Made of baby food-glass
In these Hop times
Felted chickens and hares made of wool
Have done this with children from 2.5 years and up
The Jordal children have made a sorceress
Bukkene Bruse in the toddler's department
The youngest trolls
Needle felted figures for adventure suitcase with
Here felted wool chickens
The youngest children have made the goats fizz
The children in my ward
Theme the goats roar in the kindergarten
The children have made Easter chickens all by themselves
Cozy chickens like the 3-year-olds
This spring we had a magpies that have
With a coffee box from coop
Artichoke covered with wool
The older children have sewn hearts
When it is smooth and it does not hold
BlÄmann the goat my fleece blanket
We are preparing for the Sami people day
Charming chickens of
Advents beast wool that I have made
Santa Red and Santa Blue regla
Felted birds
Natural weave with tub wool
The three Billy Goats Gruff
The three Billy Goats Gruff
The three Billy Goats Gruff
The three Billy Goats Gruff
Happy Easter
Felted Easter chicks