Here's a tip for a game to increase it

Here's a tip for a game to increase it

Here is a tip for a game to increase children's linguistic listening skills. You need: Blue cardboard and marker.

Toy boats with some space in them, not too many at a time. Rhyme cards, for example from "Språkverkstedet", which many kindergartens have, or make rhyme pairs yourself. As many cards as boats, and they must be pairs (in the example I have cup, mushroom, coke and the sun).

How to do it: Create a kind of sea on the blue cardboard, with waves that will be the fields. Create a start field and a finish field. Place the pictures/cards in the boats so that the children can see them.

Place the boats on the starting line and you are ready for the boat race! The adult says one word. The children must listen carefully to which of the words the adult says. Is it e.g. cup or mushroom. If you listen carefully, you know which boat gets to sail a field. The children can then move the boat that has this card. The children can take turns listening and moving. The adult says another word, and so it continues until the first boat has won the race.

It is an activity to strengthen linguistic awareness, discover rhymes and tiny differences between words.

PS. You can of course use cars or dinosaurs or something else that will "walk" over, it doesn't matter.

The activity can be used, for example, in language groups.

Hope you like the idea and have fun on the listening cruise.

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