Ant - IdeaPling

Ant (24 plings)

The 4-year-olds made their own ant
Today we made a very
Theme: Insects
We were also inspired by a previous post here
See our nice anthill
We have an insect theme
Sweet hops
Sweet hops
We have made our own anthill
Today's experiment in the forest
Ants written with syrup
A sweet little practice story from this morning
Maurtua made by 2 and 3-year-olds
Then the anthill was finished
Ants can also be made like that
Ants are exciting
Now we are working on the ant project!
A fact wall about ants
Life in an anthill
The ant on his wardrobe
At the conclusion of the month theme
Project with 1-2 year olds
We have Ant as the theme and made
What do ants eat