Drama - IdeaPling

Drama (45 plings)

Korona virus under the bridge - video
Today we have created a stage for finger theatre
We are working with The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
Anyone know this guy
It doesn't take much to make a great one
The dot, the stalk and the feather
The leather mitten - Video
Made sock animals with my 2.5-year-old girl today
Thank you very much for the inspiration
In the book "Space behind dieting"
Circus performance by the undersigned
Our jungle is starting to take shape
Magical storytelling
Today Sofus the Philosopher came riding
Adventures with light
Greetings proudly manages
A wonderful trip to Hawaii today
The activities and gathering time are now Forut
Now Tarkus got it cozy in
It was a pleasant 18 degrees today
Little caterpillar Aldrimett
First day after vacation
Then I'm done making the masks
You can use so much more
As the children will be baking gingerbread in
Where is Sabertooth's treasure?
Today there will be a treasure hunt in the kindergarten
Been on a treasure hunt
Yes, then this day was over too
A few weeks ago we had Missionary Kafe
Daedalus' feast
Puppet theater at 1-2-3
Kråkus begins in kindergarten on Monday
My holey socks stayed
In my department, we do a lot of theatre
Suddenly there were pirates
We have decorated a room as a winter landscape
We have prepared a meeting place
Oh no! Suddenly we got mice
Dramatization of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
tonight employs
Førskulebarna had notion of Sola
Theater: Kardemommeby
Costumes for Kardemommeby
Hakkebakkeskogen theme