Garbage - IdeaPling

Garbage (24 plings)

Driftwood can be used for so many things
Small steps for the planet
We chose to use Blekkulf
From inspiration here about Petter the porcupine
And how the sea becomes/is with a lot of rubbish in it
Yarn etc. will harm animals
We have been working with garbage
This year's Garbage Monster wishes everyone a good summer.
Part of our litter/bird project with the 4-5 year olds
We have focused on the environment this week
Now that the snow is melting, I encourage everyone
Our shaping project
In connection with beach cleaning week
Theme sustainable development - take care of nature
Today had a colleague in the nursery
So many who share ideas and thoughts in here!
Let me create - our project
The exhibition is ready for tomorrow
Surely someone has thought of this before me
Since it was such a bad fishing season
In Trondheim we use
For a period of time we have seen that
Art of trash
Miljøvernuka with 1-year-olds in kindergarten