Pirate - IdeaPling

Pirate (45 plings)

Pirates of the forest
Have a pirate story I tell in bhg
A fantastic day with lots of pirates playing
Shaping in nature
After the theme party on Friday, the children were
Outdoor play
The highlight today was playing pirates
I think it was a decent pastime
Soon it will be a pirate theme
Then we had 2 weeks with a theme; "pirates"
Then we will start with pirate days
After 16 days of counting down, it was finally time
We have pirate week
When the holiday this summer didn't go quite as planned
When the little grays get free
"Captain Seagull and the Knight"
Then I and to bhg kosa us
From coloring tax maps to production
Pearls are gold
And it shall be hoisted flags
Here comes tips to pirate games
Pirate birthday celebration today
Pirate/pirate party ideas
We are working with the theme in / on and by the sea
The children have been able to decide the colors themselves and the design
A parent brought these jelly orange boats
I have made crowns according to the child's wishes
Today's riddle: What is this for a character
Has anyone made magic
This week we have pirate week with us
When the little ones want a treasure chest
First day after vacation
Pirate club
Where is Sabertooth's treasure?
The children have talked a lot about treasure hunting
In my ward (toddler) we have
Then it was Friday and the weekend again
Suddenly there were pirates
Both young and old want an upgrade
Pirate Captain comes
Pirate week in the kindergarten!
Then we have further developed the pirate room
It's pirate week